A week after I got the results from this test,.. I brought the results to my cardiologist... and they found four blockages in me from 50 to 99 percent in two of my main arteries. This company can help prevent something that can change you and your family's life forever.

Chris Vela, Member of Local 342 ( Read More... )

"HeartScan Services' and Maimonides Medical Center's concern for the well-being of New Yorkers is to be commended..."

Steven H. Cymbrowitz, Member of Assembly ( Read More... )

"I am writing to offer you my deepest, heartfelt appreciation for performing the test that helped save my life...."

Raymond Cotton, President, Federal Correctional Facility Association Inc. ( Read More... )

"With heart health recognition and your nutrition program, you have addressed our other wellness issues such as weight loss, eating habits and the importance of exercise. These changes will permeate our lives as well as our families. We all win.."

Two Women

Joseph Minogue, Commissioner, Bethpage FD ( Read More... )

"I hope that all the Fire and Police Unions and Departments support your endeavor. It is difficult to get first responders to realize that they should go for a check up like this but you have proved to us that there may not be any outward signs and you will be able to detect any problems...."

Jim Carney, President, 2011 World Police & Fire Games ( Read More... )

"Due to the amazing services of Heartscan, I discovered that I had been improperly diagnosed all along... Due to your company, I was able to get the proper treatment I so desperately needed to literally save my life."

Telly Haritos, Operating Engineer, Local 94 NYC ( Read More... )

"Many of us will never see a physician for these types of conditions because we are unaware that they exist in our body until it is too late..."

Jeffrey L. ( Read More... )