Author: MND

2013-09-06 17:40:34

I want to take this opportunity to thank Marilyn and the Heart Scan staff. In July, I was fortunate to have an opportunity to participate in this program and during a luncheon a suspicious nodule was detected on my thyroid and Marilyn recommended that I see a specialist to have a biopsy. One week later I had a biopsy and the cells were highly abnormal. 3 weeks later I had surgery to remove my thyroid. Early detection is key! And I have to say that Marilyn's care and concern did not end with me leaving that luncheon, she called me every week, sometimes twice per week to see how I was doing through surgery and after surgery. I cannot express my gratitude to her and the Heart Scan family for ensuring my wellness.

Author: Leigh M.

2012-12-11 15:41:28

Thank you Marilyn and the staff at Heart Scan Services for introducing yourselves to my employer. When I was 18 I was found to have a Mitral Valve Prolapse which is ordinarily not a big deal. When you came to the Plainview Fire Department and offered your services, my husband encouraged me to have the scan since it had been many years ago that I was diagnosed. What I didn't realize that in addition to a cardiac scan, your provided a thyroid scan as well. When I was asked by the tech if I had thyroid issues I responded that I did not. She listed some symptoms none of which I exhibited. She told me to follow up with a doctor as she was uncomfortable with the scan. As it turned out, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer shortly after the scan. If not for you, I would still be walking around with it. The service you provide is life saving. Thank you to the Plainview Fire Department Board of Directors, and thank you Heart Scan Services!

Author: Leigh Mertz

2012-11-29 16:50:36

Thank you, thank you, thank you! First and foremost, we ALL have something to be thankful for after Superstorm Sandy~! My greatest thanks this year goes to the Board of Directorsof the Plainview Fire Department for providing Heart Scan Services to all of our members and employees. If not for them and Heart Scan Services, I may still be walking around not knowing i had thyroid cancer. They literally saved my life...so thank you PFD Board of Directors for proving this great service to us!!!!

Author: William Daly

2012-10-07 14:46:32

I met Marilyn at a monthly union meeting where she talked about heartscan and Isagenix.I spoke with her after the meeting as I was very interested in losing weight and getting checked out.But as usual with me I didn't follow through. On April 2nd I received a phone call at 7am saying my 38 yr old brother had died in his sleep,needless to say I was devastated and shocked-I became depressed and my weight just increased and increased to the point that my wife became scared of it.She told me I had to do something that her and my daughter who has special needs need me around for a very long time.So I went to my union where they put me in touch with Marilyn again--from that moment on my life has changed.I started the program on Sept 3rd weighing around 440lbs today is Oct.7th and I'm down to 396lbs..although I still have a long way too go to reach my goal of 300lbs I know I will do it...with Marilyn's coaching and leadership and the support of my friends and family this will happen...I am forever grateful to Marilyn for all she has done..I am living proof that anyone can do it.... If you have the right tools and you want to do it..Thank you for reading my story..

Author: Plainfield Fire

2012-10-07 09:30:33

Thank you for all you do! Your company has made a difference for our department and our membership. We will share your program with all our friends and other departments. Thank you again.


2012-09-26 10:16:05

In December of last year, I went to my Doctor for blood work and I was informed that my cholesterol and triglycerides were extremely elevated. I immediately contacted the team at Heartscan Services and they responded immediately by starting me on their wellness and weightloss program. I am proud to say now my cholesterol and tryglyceride numbers are perfect. And as a bonus I lost 35 pounds! Your dedication and passion for the people you serve and their familes are second to none. Thank You Heartscan Services!

Author: john

2012-09-25 13:18:51

great program

Author: Frank Graniero

2012-08-30 12:55:08

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the staff of HeartScan services and the actual procedure. I, like most people was very apprehensive about what this scan entailed. From the moment I walked in I was put at ease by the professional and friendly staff. The test was so easy, and required only that you relax while lying on your back. ( doesn't get easier than that ) I would recommend this test to anyone who cares about their health and wants to prevent what may be a minor condition from growing into a major one. Your life can be saved by knowing there is a potential problem brewing. The great thing is that if found early enough it can sometimes be corrected by just changing ones diet. Glad I had it done. and glad I used HeartScan services. Thank you HeartScan services!!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!

Author: Diane L

2012-08-20 15:08:17

Heartscan Services-Thank you for educating our members on health and wellness. Not only have you saved lives through early detection but you have motivated all of us to lead a healthier life style. Thank you for all you do!

Author: Bob Cohen

2012-08-20 07:45:45

THANKS!! IT IS A GREAT SERVICE YOU DO FOR US!! WE ALL APRECIATE IT!! Best Regards Bob Cohen Tel 212-297-9107 Cell 917-692-2810

Author: Dan J

2012-08-20 07:27:49

Although I passed my annual physical my screening detected a serious situation. Thanks for your help getting me the care that I needed!

Author: Maureen S.

2012-08-20 07:18:57

Thank You Heart Scan Services! You have made a difference in the lives of my clients , friends and family. Prevention is everything!! Early detection saves lives ! Your caring follow up is amazing.

Author: Lawrence W

2012-08-20 07:15:21

Thank you heartscan!! Your service and dedication to all the union members regardless of there agency shows that there are still caring companys out there that do right by there fellow man(woman)...

Author: Domenick M

2012-08-20 06:33:36

Thank you Heartscan Services! You made a big diffenece in my life and I appreciate all the help you gave me to get the care I needed. Your team is professional and your service is well needed and appreciated!

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