Wellness Benefits

The goal of our wellness program is to deal proactively with issues like stress, high blood pressure cardiovascular disease and obesity through screening and education. Primary prevention of illness and disease is much less costly than treatment. In many instances, education and awareness go a long way toward changing behaviors. Many of the diseases that lead to high absenteeism and inability to perform at optimum levels are related to lifestyle choices. They are learned behaviors that can be unlearned. If you think this should be the responsibility of the employee, not the employer, you wouldn't necessarily be wrong. However, when that obese, inactive, smoking, 50+ manager has a major heart attack and is out of work for several months, it is really going to affect you.

"Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States - SIPP MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Rep. 2001;50:120-125"

Our benefit's specialist can show how incorporating screening, nutrition and exercise will directly correlate to cost savings. This can be seen in decreased use of health care benefits, decreased rates of absenteeism and reduced employee turnover. The more you learn about our screening and wellness programs the more you will see the amazing benefits associated with them.


Calculate Your BMI

COULD YOU BE ONE OF THE 154.7 MILLION ‘OVERWEIGHT’ AMERICANS AND NOT KNOW IT? Calculate your BMI to estimate your risk for potential heart problems It is no secret that over the past few decades, Americans have become increasingly oblivious Read more…

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