1. Almonds
    Almonds are another great source of healthy fats and make for a great snack between meals — provided you watch portion sizes. Note that the hunger-reducing effects of nuts tend to take about half an hour before you feel them, so eat them before you reach the point of being extremely hungry, or you’ll be tempted to eat more than you need.
  2. Meat
    The high protein and fat content in meat means that it is digested more slowly than most foods. Meat also takes longer to chew, which also contributes to feeling full. Meat’s appetite-suppressing effects may also be a learned behavior. To many, a meal is not complete without meat, so it may make you feel fuller psychologically. Numerous studies have shown that there is no difference between beef, chicken and fish in terms of satiety, but for overall health, fish and lean cuts of poultry are more nutritious.
  3. Oatmeal
    It is the breakfast of champions. Oatmeal gets its thick, goopy texture from a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucans. Not only do the beta-glucans travel slowly through our digestive tract, keeping us full until the lunch hour, but they also help to lower cholesterol by trapping bile and carrying it out of our bodies, forcing us to use our blood cholesterol to make more bile.
  4. Cottage Cheese
    It’s no wonder that cottage cheese is a healthy snack choice for dieters and bodybuilders alike. It is much lower in fat compared with other cheeses and is a good source of protein, particularly casein, which can suppress the appetite. Cottage cheese can be enjoyed sweet with fruit, or savory with some freshly cracked black pepper.
  5. Soup
    Having soup alone as a meal may not last you for very long, but it can help you control your portion sizes when you have it as an appetizer or a snack. A study from Pennsylvania State University found that when subjects ate a bowl of chicken rice soup before they were served lunch, they reported that they felt significantly fuller and ate about 100 calories less than when they were served a chicken casserole (made with the same ingredients as the soup) and a glass of water as an appetizer.
  6. Legumes
    Legumes, or pulses that include beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas, are an excellent vegetarian source of protein that can be enjoyed in soups, salads, chili, stews and more. They are high in soluble fiber as well as complex carbohydrates called resistant starch and oligosaccharides. Like fiber, these complex carbs cannot be digested by our bodies and help to slow digestion.
  7. Water
    Although water passes through the digestive system quite quickly, it can still help decrease your appetite. Often we mistake thirst for hunger, especially when the mid-afternoon cravings hit. Sipping water and staying hydrated throughout the day helps you stay alert, so you can resist grabbing a candy bar or a coffee for that temporary fix. It also keeps your stomach from becoming completely empty, which keeps hunger levels down.
  8. Greek Yogurt
    Greek yogurt is made by straining regular yogurt to remove most of the whey, which concentrates the nutrients, making this a high-protein appetite buster. The thick, creamy texture of the yogurt also helps to trick our bodies into feeling fuller.
  9. Flax
    Flaxseed is rich in fiber and healthy omega-3 fats, and is also a source of protein. The tiny seeds don’t take up much room in your stomach, but they may help suppress your appetite. A Danish study published last year in Appetite found that when subjects were given 2.5 grams of flaxseed fiber supplements — about the same as a heaping tablespoon of ground flax — they reported feeling fuller when compared to placebo, and also ate less when they were served lunch a few hours later.
  10. Avocados
    Avocados get their creamy texture from healthy monounsaturated fats, which take a long time for our bodies to digest and, therefore, can help suppress appetite. They’re also an excellent source of soluble fiber, which forms a thick gel as it travels through the gut, slowing digestion.