1-PICKLES: Drinking robs the body of electrolytes and drinking salty brine can replace them. Get a head start by eating pickles or salty snack before you’re dehydrated.

2-ALMONDS: A small handful of almonds before you drink are an old Native American hangover antidote. Try almond butter on a slice of bread with honey and banana before bed.

3-HUMMUS: Alcohol quickly depletes the body of Vitamin B. Replacing them with a B complex pill or natural source such as hummus will do the trick.

4-EGGS: Eggs are a good source of cysteine, an amino acid that helps break down the toxins found in alcohol.

5-MILK: A glass of milk will line the stomach and slow the absorption of booze.

6- ASPARAGUS: Amino acids found in Asparagus were shown to metabolize alcohol and protect liver cells.

Hangover Don’t

While it may be alright to take a couple of aspirin to deal with a hangover, don’t take a couple of Tylenol tablets. Alcohol taken with Tylenol is a recipe for potentially lethal liver damage.

Of course there’s only one surefire way to prevent a hangover: drink in moderation or not at all.